Conservation measures for the Eurasian otter in the Czech Republic

A1 Road mortality mitigation

The monitoring of otter road casualties is organised in order to identify priorities for implementation of mitigation measures. Based on the results of this monitoring, an online map presenting otter road mortality records and critical places for otters on roads has been created at It is designated for the professional public, such as road construction authorities and nature conservation authorities. The reason of deaths is explained and solution is suggested for each critical place.

Online map application


New updated version of brochure

Otter and roads

(pdf; 13 MB; in the Czech language)



Poledník L. a Poledníková K. (2017): Vydra a doprava – problém, který je možné řešit. Fórum ochrany přírody 1/2017: page 5.

Poledník L., Poledníková K., Beran V. a Mináriková T. (2017): Průchodnost silnic z pohledu vydry říční. Fórum ochrany přírody 2/2017: 37–42.